Adrian Towning

2336 days ago

Milestone Group – do we also need to talk about Adrian Towning?

In his expose yesterday, Cynical Bear raised several questions around the probity of Larry Cummins the CEO of Black Cactus Holdings group. I am sure that Milestone (MSG) is rushing to clarify whether this key player has a bogus CV. Perhaps while it is at it it might clarify something about another of the four key players at Black Cactus, Adrian Towning.


2336 days ago

Milestone shareholder & supporter Align demands statement on Larry Cummins CV - be careful guys

Yesterday we accused key Milestone Group (MSG) player Larry Cummins of lying about his educational achievements. Cummins has told Align Research, a supporter and shareholder, that our article was not true. He has "denied" it. Align has thus urged Milestone to make a statement and has again urged it to comment on today's article about Adrian Towning. You can see the tweet from Align below. We urge Milestone to proceed with extreme caution on this matter...
